Thursday, September 11, 2008

visca catalonia!

i have been craving songs. physically craving. i don't know why really, maybe it's for something familiar. maybe it's for something substantial i don't know. but right now it's holiday in spain, inevitably. i could listen to it all day.

so yesterday was catalonia day. catalonia is the region of spain where i reside (whoa. someone in my apartment area is def singing opera. pavarati. ole.) and they want to be independent of spain. the day was filled with festivities and excitement and red and yellow striped flags. red and yellow striped flags that we bought for 11 euros. red and yellow striped flags that we bought for 11 euros and then made into dresses. and wore them out last night. and catalonia went wild.

on our way from the cab (we now have a personal cab driver. thanks to our dresses. and our american charm.) to our friends' house, which was about a 5 minute walk, we were stopped 4 times because people wanted to have their picture taken with us. we were such celebrities. que bueno.

we went and saw dj tiesto last night. it was insane. seriously insane. he played from 3am to 5am insane.

i love being on hold with bank of america when all i want to do is buy a bike and explore the city.

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