Wednesday, August 13, 2008

oatmeal pancakes

most recent obsessions: polaroids. watermelon. josh rouse.

today was the perfect day to start my blog because i'm in one of those moods. one of those moods that has you doing advertisements for king arthur's flour in an english accent at 10am. one of those moods that has you creating cactus-shaped-pancakes (that never really look like cactuses). one of those moods that could only have been preceded by last call at cafe diem with the djwilliams projekt. (if you haven't been, go. really.)

and so i woke up. robby and i made oatmeal pancakes. i danced in the kitchen to josh rouse. i got frustrated with the scanner and am asking you to imagine the polaroids i took at the watermelon festival sunday until further notice. i'm riding my bike to have lunch with amrou to talk about spain. which, by the way, is happening in fifteen days. one reason i am documenting the last part of my richmond summer.

it's still cloudy out. i'm wearing my bathing suit under my shorts because i believe in sunshine.

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