Wednesday, May 27, 2009

penniless creativity.

times are hard.

not so much in the larger 'it's just this economy' picture, but in the smaller, no-chance-of-paying-rent picture of my upstairs room on the 2100 block of grove avenue. i've found, however, the immense creativity that grows out of having no money. i ran across a post today on craigslist for someone to appear at a 6 year-old's birthday party dressed as a star war's character... and it occurred to me that, for the right amount of money, i can bear an uncanny resemblance to princess leia.

i went to lunch today with one of my closest friends. we sat in a hidden booth at ipanema and had conversation similar to those we've had sitting across from each other for 7 years now. in speaking of my job search, david asked me what my skills are. my response:

dancing, kind of
singing ("you can sing?" "well, i mean, not well, but if you ask me to sing i'm willing to do it.")
basic origami (the sailboat.)
making people smile
cooking ("what do you cook?" "right now, anything i can saute in garlic. or just garlic.")
photography (... although not according to the art-critiquing-challenged study abroad office. )
writing travel guides
secret handshakes

so. if you hear of a position opening for an overall renaissance woman, call me. i'll be drinking pbr's and not buying any new dresses, ever.
but happy, somehow, still.


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