Friday, January 16, 2009


what i attempted tonight for 15minutes, approximately:

i've come to the conclusion that i must not like to sleep. i have no idea why i tried to occupy my time folding a dollar bill (which, if i might add, i used a five) to make it look like an item of clothing, but i thought it would be really neat.


i got stuck around step7 and then got frustrated and then confused as to why i wasn't in bed considering i have to wake up early and realized mr lincoln probably prefers life not as an imitation miniature dress shirt anyway and decided to update my blog.

which, i've tried to do. since... well, since my arrival back in the states. but it kept making me sad. i'd open it with ideas i couldn't wait to post, but then i'd remember the reason i started a blog, glance at my pictures, hear my voice from across an ocean.... and it made me sad. i miss it.

and, to account for my blog drought i have more than a webpage worth of memories and stories. so let's talk.

until then, a bit of irony:
i'm back in blacksburg now and have been for almost a week. yesterday i asked where the washer and dryer was in our house considering i couldn't find it, to which deanna laughed and replied, "hope you like the laundromat".

... somehow i'm craving my oh-so-complained-about tiny spanish washing machine and clothesline on the balcony. and everything else that was barcelona.

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