Saturday, October 25, 2008


haha, get it? like s'mores?

ok, yeah, so i know... i haven't blogged in like, a really long time. here's the first excuse: i was in africa. yes, morocco. where they still take donkey-taxi's. really. so needless to say there was no blogging in morocco.... let me tell you what there was though.

after a very entertaining plane ride, we arrived the first funny thing was the currency exchange... something that hasn't been funny in the least bit in europe, but was very funny in morocco. we all walked away from the atms with 2000 moroccon dollars in our pockets. of course, me being perpetually late, there was no room on the bus for me joe and niel. thus arrives the first taxi ever made. literally. only one window went down. it was about 80degrees, very sandy and flies everywhere. so we get in the taxi and pull out behind the bus. about 5 minutes later, the bus turns left at a stop light. our driver, with another agenda and no english/spanish skills therefore no way to communicate with us, decides to go straight. good. and there i was, imagining my posthumous blog titled "and that's how i died in morocco."

he managed to let us know that that car wouldn't have made it the 4 hours to where we were staying (by the way, everyone told us it was one hour... ). so we had to switch taxi's. and drivers. to an even worse taxi with a driver who was convinced we knew french and made no other attempts to communicate.

the four hour drive was... intense. we were all exhausted but too afraid to sleep. i have come to the conclusion that in order to obtain a drivers license in morocco you only have to have two arms with hands attached. there are no other requirements. they all drive like crazies. we were on a two-lane road the entire way playing chicken with trucks piled a mile high with hay. i was so scared. i finally was able to doze off for a few minutes to be awoken to us pulled over by a moroccon cop, our driver screaming at him and then opening the trunk to show him our luggage and most likely making him an offer of one scared american girl and 3 suitcases. (hence, again, "and that's how i died in morocco...").

the remainder of the week went a little more smoothly and overall very moroccan-ny. we stayed in tagazhout, a very very small little town, in a house at the top of a street. from our rooftop terrace we could see the ocean... as well as the children chasing goats in the street.

we spent a lot of time at different beaches, surfing and relaxing. the beaches were beautiful. we went to the bath house, which was an experience. it's like this big tile room with faucets and you get a big bucket and a little scoop bucket, fill it with water, and then go to a little area between the naked moroccon women soaping each other up (really.) and try and clean yourself. that's where they go for their weekly baths. needless to say we all kept our bikinis on and then went home and showered.

we went to a few different markets, which were crazy. the one in agadhir was ridiculous. apparently the biggest one in africa (again, i feel like everything on this trip is some superlative... the biggest, the oldest, whatever. i mean, i believe it i guess.) it was really fun. you just barter with them. i bought a bunch of good stuff, including a leather bag that he wanted to sell me for 720durham and i paid 200 for (20 euro...). the only thing is, it smells. like feet. badly. stinky bag.

i bought some cool fabric too. and tiny, sweet bananas. delicious.

one of the days we were all out in the water, trying to surf, and i could see that the horizon started to look a little odd. about 5 minutes later we were caught in the middle of a ridiculous sandstorm. the waves got really rough and we couldn't even see the shore anymore, or anything really. it was crazy and scary. somehow we all managed to paddle to safety and find all of our stuff and get back to the vans.

we rode camels up the mountain-ish thing behind our house, which was so fun. camels are very tall. i was scared. just look at the pictures before you make fun of me. it was scary.

probably my favorite thing was one evening we rode 4-wheelers (which everyone else calls quads?) on the beach at sunset. it was so so cool. we like rode through this crazy desert path and then onto the beach, which was wide and empty. the sunset was the prettiest i've seen. we raced back up the beach.

we had another "and that's how i died in morocco" moment on the streets one night... even my blog isn't safe, so i'll save that story. haha.

we spent our nights on the terrace, relaxing and laughing and listening to music. but mostly laughing. and then stealing cheese. and not being able to fall asleep because we all kept cracking up on our bunks. so funny.

and so, morocco. lots of flies. beautiful beaches. funny people. stamp on my passport.


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